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Introduction To Literature
Analysis Poetry

1.      Introduction
Life is journey to a happiness. As we know that life is important for us. All of us have life by self. No body perfect in this life, all of us have a mistake but we can repaired our mistake to be better. What we do get the reply. Everyone want to life calm, peaceful and happiness.  Actually we can life happiness if we know what is the meaning of happiness by self.
2.      Discussion
Ø  Poetry
Yeahh.... This is a Life
That's a Live
All So Completely
There is a Happy
There is a Hard
So it makes a wonderful memories
Beautiful memories that make life colourful
Then Colour them your life with Beautiful Colour

Ø  Pharaphrase
This poetry describe about how we are life in this world. Life in other site or in around of us. All of them are completely, there is a happy, there is a hard or the other way. So, because of them we have memories about our life before. Everyone has memories about their life. That memories can bad memories or good memories, but is not important, importantly we can move on from our life before to get next life to be better. So the next life have life colourful with beautiful colour.
Ø  Analisys
ü  Life
This word have a meaning in general that all of human have a life and experience by their self.
ü  Yeahh.... This is a Life
This word have a meaning that life is around of us. All of life have a story by their self. Family and friends also accompany us everyday. All of them always colourfull their life.
ü  That's a Live
Life is not in this area like hometown, campus, boarding house, and etc. but life is so wide and life is so far. It’s a meaning that life must be to do something to get what we want. Life is not easy in around of us but in out there life must be hardwork. If you are not hardwork you can lose your self in out there.

ü  All So Completely
Allah is great fair. Allah create all of world and sky are completely. There is a life certainly there is a dead, there is a Black certainly there is a White, there is a Man certainly there is a Woman, there is a fire certainly there is a Water and etc. If one of them is not create what happen in this life, certainly this life is to be confused.

ü  There is a Happy
All of us need happiness, but many people are not know how to be happiness. They think that happy if they have much money. I think that happiness is not from money but happiness come from your heart feel comfort. Happy is simple, “Be happy for no reason, like a child. If you are happy for a reason, you are in trouble, because that reason can be taken from you”.

ü  There is a Hard
Problem is always come to their life. Many people have a problem by their self. Many people is give up to finish their problem until they are kill their self. It’s caused they are not know how to be finished their problem and never know what is coming next. Problem is always coming in this life but caused problem we can be strong after we can exceeded that. Take philosophy from problems what we have. “Life is unprecditable and we never know what is coming next. Don’t ever get too comfortable. Always be ready for change”.

ü  So it makes a wonderful memories
As we know that we have experience by their self. There is experience sadness, worried, happiness, funnies and etc. All of them has become part of life. Many people says “Experience is good teacher”. I think that is true, because that experience what will create our self to be good people or the other way.

ü  Beautiful memories that make life colourful
Some people have a life by their self. They are have a goal to this life, of course they want to be success in this world like have much money, big houses with swimming pool, beautiful wife or husband and etc. but, all of them must be get with hardwork. We never know what is coming next in this life. People’s must have beautiful memories. Beautiful memories is not just happiness experience but it can sadness experience like we has leaved by our dad because of them we are sad and then we always remember it but if we can take philosophy from experience we can to be better and move on. So many experience can make our life colourful.

ü  Then Colour them your life with Beautiful Colour
Life is so confused. Sometimes we are to be completely mistake. Sometimes many people didn’t know for what they life are. Life is like propaganda’s. strange is to be truth from the real. From experience what we want we can take philosophy. So from philosophy we can take experience. What happen in this life before wa can plan our life in the future.
Ø  Teory
1.      Al Insyiqaaq :16
“ But Nay! I swear by the sunset redness”,
Its mean that human undergoing life’s procees step by step
2.      Yunus : 64
“ They shall have good news in thus world’s life and hereafter, there is no changing the words of Allah, that is mighty achievement”.
  1. Conclusion
Life is undergoing change from little. Many people is confused how to be life. Importantly we must have religion and confidence. If we have religion and confidence we can walk on life by substantively. We don’t afraid with memories life before it and we don’t afraid with future what is coming next. We must trust if our life has organized. We must walk on life by what happen now. Good people will give our happiness, bad people will give our experience, while the worst people will give our a lesson, and the best people will always give our memories. We must always move on in this life.
  1. References
Ø  Al-Qur’an nur karim
Ø  Field, Linda. Do It Now. PT Bhuana Ilmu Populer : Jakarta, 2001.

Analysis Movie

Spell’s Dream
A.    Analysis Story
Rounded Rectangle: OrientationThe story begin when Aurel and Gadis go back from their campus to boarding house. Then they both feel thirsty but their money just 2000 rupiahs left. Then, they see a beggar, she isn’t give money to beggar but she steal the beggar’s money bowl and throw it. Unfurtunattely the beggar haunts her by her dream. Then, Aurel wake up and she feel confused, and she tell to Gadis what happen with her. After Gadis hearing that Aurel story she is shocked, because she don’t belive if aurel throw the beggar’s money bowl.
Rounded Rectangle: ComplicationNext, they will plan to back the beggar’s money bowl and they are begin looking for beggar. After that, they aren’t found the beggar. Then, they are ask to Genk at the street. After that, the boss of the Genk request money before He help them. But, Aurel have a good idea, she request Gadis to get money in ATM but Gadis wait in another place. After that, Aurel lie the boss of Genk. Then, Aurel and Gadis Running away from seldomness Genk.
Rounded Rectangle: ResolutionFinnaly, after she is arrive in a certain place Gadis found the Beggar. Then, Aurel running to the Beggar but she got the accident. After that, all of them is just a dream in a dream of Aurel. Then Aurel woke up from her dream.
B.     Plot
C.     Characteristics
Aurel                       : Smart, Friendly, ignorant
Gadis                      : Care, Smart
D.    We can learn
1.      How we share with another person
2.      How we appreciated with the other
3.      How we help our friend if get trouble
4.      Don’t be Cruel with Beggar
E.     Moral Value
1.      Share is important
2.      Appreciate is important too

3.      Be good person

Rounded Rectangle: IntroductionExposition can be seen in music, films, television shows, plays, and written text. It is the writer's opportunity to give background information to the reader or listener about the setting, establish the theme and introduce the characters.
·         In music, the exposition is the first part in the sonata form which introduces the themes used in the composition or the opening section of a fugue.
·         In a play, film or television show, exposition would be used anywhere in the work to give background information on characters and other parts of the work.
Exposition in written texts also gives background and character information; but, it can be more difficult to understand as a literary tool than exposition in music, plays or other visual entertainment since there are so many ways to present the information in written text.
Rounded Rectangle: Main IdeaVideo tell’s a college student who will go to campus. Certainly, before leaving she said goodbye to his mother, and his mother give a permit him and using a motorbike to go to campus but he did not want to wear helmets because the helmet is bad, and then She is dealing with the police that his trip was disrupted.
Rounded Rectangle: Supporting reason and evidencesShe has come to class. She look sad and her friends ask her, then she tells that she has dealing with police because she’s not wear helmet. After that ahe got a bad news that the class is free for today. So, she and her friends will go to library.
Rounded Rectangle: ConclusionThe video is unique because it was in conversation is very simple and easy to understand their own language so that it is easy to understand the even though there are some language that are hard to understand. The video in should be able to be more developed, such as an expression and selection

Never Ending Story of SOLO

A.    Analysis Story
     Descriptive writing is usually used to help a writer develop an aspect of their work, e.g. to create a particular mood, atmosphere or describe a place so that the reader can create vivid pictures of characters, places, objects etc.
Rounded Rectangle: IdentificationStory begin when class is over. Then Arga, Annas, Fitry and Ayu on the weekend have a plan going to CFD. There is some place one of Solo. After that, they have a plan to eat some food like a batagor, fried chicken, etc, But  they will eat Sego Liwet Bu Wongso Lemu. Sego Liwet is one of Traditional food in Solo. Sego liwet made from rice and cooked by coconut milk after that served with chicken, egg, and vegetable by pincuk. The price of Sego Liwet is about Rp. 12.000 until Rp.15.000. They think  the price of Sego liwet is very expensive. So, finally they are eat in canteen and eat burger.
Rounded Rectangle: DiscriptionWeekend has come, they are take a walk in Solo Car Freeday. Then they are going to Triwindu market. Triwindu market is Place where people can buy something about Traditional thing.Triwindu market is also traditional market one of Solo. On there, they are around the market and look some thing. After they come in triwindu market Fitry interest with one of thing on there, so Fitry will buy it. The price that thing is very expensive then Ayu try to talk with seller and then the price has not very expensive again so, Fitry can Buy it.
Rounded Rectangle: ConclusionNext, they are just a walk on there. They will buy some thing on there but they money is not enough to buy some thing. Then, they have plan will going to Triwindu market again in another day. Then, they talk that Traditional market is important for life and we must save it and preserve it.

B.     Plot
C.     Characteristics
Angga         : Good person, Friendly
Anna           : Friendly, pure
Fitry            : Frindly, Pure, like shooping
Ayu : Smart, friendly
D.    We can learn
1.      How to preserved tradition
2.      How traditional market is interesting
E.     Moral Value
-          We must save the tradition of Indonesian
-          Don’t buy west product but loved Indonesian product 

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